Monday, July 25, 2011


wasting all this time making fun of me while meanwhile im just trying to catch that fly that keeps hiding in the curtain i know it is there i will get it look a cork that someone just threw let me chase it and then get back to there it is that fly again shoot why cant i get it the big cat is in the way but the laugh is on her since i can hack in here any time i want and she cant figure out a simple firewall.

flycatcher1 signing off.

Cat Chaise

The FP made this out of a cardboard box and leopard-print duct tape. Looks like some zebra there as well.

Unfortunately, it is only comfortable for the small cat. I tried. Believe me, I tried.

Then the MP put down a little pink towel for the small cat and now I would be embarrassed to even go near it.

She sleeps on it all the time, though, and it pleases the people to no end.

What simpletons they are.

Congrats, FP.

FP says she is going to need a new job.

If she thinks she's gonna get mine, she can talk to the tail.

If she can find it.